Service Provider Name

Drive Time Vocational Solutions Ltd

People Hands Hold Colorful Straight Word Safety


      1. Provide adequate control relating to health, welfare, and vehicle safety and the risks arising from work or learning activities. These risks shall be communicated through the Drive Time-Vocational Solutions System,
      2. Provide records of learning and transport tasks, personal and professional development during enactment of my daily duties for peer review, regulator inspection, enforcement inspection as and when required by law,
      3. Consult with business leaders, managers, employees, learners and agents on matters affecting risk to health, wellbeing from initial training, people safety to training of drivers and vehicle safety in the work environment,
      4. Provide and maintain safe systems of work and professional development records. Maintain records of plant, vehicles, equipment, and regulated learning,
      5. Provide adequate Information, advice, instruction, and guidance on the use of the Health and Safety Executive Toolbox to control risks at work to business leaders, managers, employees, learners, and agents in order to reduce accident and injury,
      6. Ensure I am following labelling instructions for safe handling, and control substance that may be hazardous to health,
      7. Provide risk reporting guidance and instruction to business leaders, managers, employees, learners, and agents,
      8. Provide information, advice and guidance on competency and required standards and levels of outcome expected at work, and when operating vehicles and plant,
      9. Provide information, advice, guidance, and training to a level that is defined in the individuals job description and/or written statement of employment,
      10. Promote safety and road safety policy through measurable e-learning in order to develop a better informed and more engaged workforce with a view to assist in the prevention of accidents to reduce cases of work-related injury and ill health,
      11. Embed quality management principles and standards in personal and organisational development objectives in order to maintain safe and healthy working conditions, and
      12. Review and revise company learning policy, processes, safe working procedures and personal performance aims and objectives at regular intervals and adjust accordingly to meet conformity requirements.

Signed (Duty Holder)

Len Gair



Review Date


Len Gair: Managing Director

Law requires the Duty Holder to have overall & final responsibility for all health & safety matters, which falls to;

Day-to-day operational responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to:

Len Gair: Managing Director


Companies and organisations have a responsibility to ensure it follows relevant regulations and rules in order to comply with The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. As a company director I am required by law to ensure my actions do not put people at risk during the enactment of their duties at work.

Equally, employees should also be aware of their responsibilities within working hours, as well as their rights together with what their employer should be doing with regard to hiring staff, for example, pay, contracts, time off and working hours.

Professional employment Law guidance can be accessed by calling ACAS direct on 0300 1231100 or by clicking on ACAS help online


a) Business leaders, Managers, employers, learners and agents have legal duty to take care of health, wellbeing and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by what they do.

b) Co-operate with conform to legal requirements associated with this policy.

c) Ensure health, safety, wellbeing, and quality management principles and standards are maintained or improved upon during the execution of our daily duties. This shall include:

  1. Duties performed at base site,
  2. At third party site, and
  3. On public roads and places where interactions with members of the public occur.
  4. The sector and environment where you perform your daily duties.

Individuals and agents external to our organisation wishing to put forward suggestions to improve safety and/or standards should click here and state what actions could be taken to,

  • Improve safety
  • Improve efficiency
  • Reduce environmental impact
  • Improve service and products

When contacting us outline what benefits that would be gained from implementing your suggestion.


All workers are entitled to work in environments where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. Under health and safety law, the primary responsibility for this is down to employers.

Workers must co-operate with employers and co-workers to help everyone meet their legal requirements.

As a worker, if you have specific queries or concerns relating to health and safety in the workplace, talk to your employer, manager/supervisor or safety representative.



  1. Co-operate with the duty holder on health and safety matters,
  2. Follow organisation policies, safe working procedures, and learning objectives in order to comply with legal and quality requirements,
  3. Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard theirs or others health, wellbeing, and environmental safety;
  4. Take reasonable care of their own health, safety, and wellbeing, and not compromise the safety of themselves or the safety of others,
  5. Report all problems, issues or concerns and/or risks using the appropriate reporting system.


The Health and Safety Executive and I welcome people from all nationalities and ethnic backgrounds to its website. If you are looking for information, help or guidance in languages other than English click here for translated publications.


Managers don’t ignore the law. Follow the guidance provided by the HSE “managing for health and safety” Don’t put you, others or the organisation at risk. Manage “occupational risk” effectively.


In brief: You have the right:

  1. To work in places where risks to health and safety are properly controlled.
  2. To stop working and leave the area if you think you are in danger.
  3. To inform your employer about health and safety issues or concerns.
  4. To contact the HSE or your local authority if you still have health and safety concerns and not get into trouble
  5. To join a trade union and be a safety representative.
  6. To paid time off work for training if you are a safety representative.
  7. To a rest break of at least 20 minutes if you work more than six hours at a stretch and to an annual period of paid leave.


In brief: You must:

  1. Take care of your own health and safety and that of people who may be affected by what you do (or do not do),
  2. Co-operate with others on health and safety, and not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided for your health, safety or welfare,
  3. Know, understand and comply with safety signs

THE DUTY HOLDER: will tell you:

  1. About risks to your health, safety and wellbeing from your current or proposed safe working practices.
  2. About regulations and changes to working processes that may harm or affect your health, safety and wellbeing,
  3. How to do your job safely and the standards that applies to your role.
  4. What is in place to protect your health, safety and wellbeing?
  5. How to get first-aid treatment.
  6. What to do in an emergency.

THE [DUTY HOLDER] will provide:

  1. Training to do your job safely,
  2. Provide protection when necessary (such as clothing, shoes or boots, eye and ear protection, gloves, masks, security systems, devices, etc),
  3. Health checks if there is a danger of ill health from your work activities,
  4. Regular health checks if you work nights and
  5. Checks on time at work to ensure you are working within Working Time and Duty of Care regulations.

NOTE: Agents (self-employed), you are responsible for providing your own first-aid arrangements, training, protective equipment and health checks, and organising your own working time records.


Managers, employers, learners, and agents have the right to raise concerns. I will provide safe systems of work to raise concerns and provide appropriate training where required to enable people to use the reporting system effectively.

If you have any

  • Problems
  • Issues or
  • Concerns

That relates to policy, procedure, learning or work related subjects. Click here and state the point you wish to raise and how you feel it could be addressed.

All communications shall remain confidential.


All education and vocational training programmes are designed to comply with the European general framework for lifelong learning. For further information please see our;

    1. Vocational Solutions TM and
    2. Learning Policy
    3. Key Terms of the European Qualification Framework (EQF)

NOTE:   Under EU Legislation education and vocational training must be delivered in the mother tongue of the member state where intervention occurs.


Understanding why we need competence training is a key factor to the success of any personal or business development programme.

  • Why do we need it?
  • Who could be affected by what I do?
  • How will it benefit me?
  • How does it work?

These questions and many more will be answered through the training we will provide. All we ask is you to,

  • Pay attention, when instruction is being given,
  • Give input when required, and
  • Behave in a manner which is not abusive or offensive. Failure to comply with this point may result in removal from the learning programme, disciplinary action being taken and/or exclusion from the workplace.
  • Raise problems, issues and concerns through the “raising concerns” reporting system.

Our objective is to offer programmes of vocational learning with no exclusions to those who are willing to learn. However, people are required to prove they know, understand and can apply the skills the have gained in order to receive a certificate of professional competence.


For the purposes of quality management control wherever the term “Product” occurs, it can also mean “Service”.

My aim is to implement and apply Quality Management Principles into a process for lifelong learning in order to develop a workforce which has equal opportunity to progress, is rewarded through effort, confident, self motivated and has the knowledge, understanding and ability to win in business without putting others at risk.

If you have any problems with any product or service I provide, please contact me directly by clicking here and stating clearly,

  1. The reason for you dissatisfaction,
  2. The name of the place and/or person at the point of dissatisfaction,
  3. The time and date of the occurrence, and
  4. A brief statement of why you are dissatisfied.

All communications shall remain confidential.


This link provides examples of successful worker involvement in workplace development. Do your bit, get involved.



Nonconformities with this policy and learning requirements pose a significant risk to yourself or others who may be affected (directly or indirectly) by what you do or omit during the course of your daily deities which may result in,

    1. Personal injury or death,
    2. Injury or death of work colleagues or members of the public,
    3. Injury or death of other road users,
    4. Damage to own property,
    5. Damage to others property,
    6. Damage to the environment,
    7. Committing an illegal act,
    8. Penalties being imposed,
    9. Loss of permit to work, or
    10. Loss of licence entitlement.


NOTE:   Report non-conformities. They shall be dealt with in strict confidence. Click here and

State clearly the,

    1. The nature of the nonconformity,
    2. The location,
    3. The time and date,
    4. The name or names of persons involved,
    5. Any recommendation to remove or reduce the risk of the nonconformity re-occurring.
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Drive Time is dedicated to lifelong learning for all

Our products and services fully support those looking for workplace vocational education.
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